
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wacky is who wacky does

Last night was one of these nights that we thought we had put behind us.

Despite pleas to let my child sleep through the night, the nurse marched in at 3 AM to take Sophia's temperature orally as part of the routine. Two hours later my daughter woke again. This time to go to the bathroom since she had been given a double dose of Lasix right before bedtime. And at 5:42 AM she had a case of VT.

And that's not VT emulation for you WRQ people out there. It's called ventricular tachycardia. Sophia was in it for 10 beats and before we knew it, the nurse was back in the room to draw blood at 6 AM.

All I could say to the nurse was "Good Luck" as she was attempting to stick a girl that was completely dehydrated after being drained by the medication, hadn't slept more than 6 of her 12 hours, and doesn't like needles even when she is at her best. Three nurses, two attempts and an hour later we had some blood. Unfortunately, it didn't answer any questions.

VT can be caused by a variety of factors one of which is an imbalance of electrolytes. Hence the blood draw. But she was balanced. The EP team didn't really have an answer as to why she would have had that episode and whether it could happen again. Not very comforting since it is a rather serious situation.

Sophia is back on the monitor full time (we are allowed to leave the room for one hour to get some fresh air) and will spend another night in the hospital. 

Mom is going to do some more research online to have my questions ready for the doctors later today.

In addition, we are anxiously awaiting Dr. Marx' response to Sophia's inquiry whether she should be worried about her tongue turning green after spending two hours outdoors yesterday. She was also eating some sorbet.

More later,

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