
Friday, June 15, 2012

The Many Eccentricities Of My Madre

GEEZ! My mom... she doesn't even give her blogs names! Anyway, three out of four of the blog post's names are courtesy of moi. (You can thank me later, mom.) She also has no idea how to use semicolons, but uses them frequently anyway. (You can thank me again for my editing.) Hey, Mrs. Prewitt, do you approve of my "narrator's asides"?

AND I'm an author now! *does little dance with hands up* So basically i can write whatever i want to in my blog. *cough* Hee hee. Now you can find out my real point of view on my mom's topics. But yes, I did have severe nook pain... in my nook. Obviously.

I know you came to this blog to hear about my pre-op surgery Boston thingie. Whatever it's called. Right now i really don't want to go into detail about what you've already heard about, so I'll just say that I am fine, have gotten over my nook pain, and am looking forward to seeing Boston, but not too much. (Too much as in going to at least three places everyday.) We will probably go and see Harvard Square, The Freedom Trail, the Mapparium, the North End, and anything else we have time to do. Harvard Square is pretty self-explanatory, and I think you've all heard of The Freedom Trail. But do you know what the Mapparium is? In case you don't, it's a "30-foot diameter walk-through stained glass globe" (Massachusetts Moon Travel Handbook). Pretty much it's a globe of the world's political boundaries of 1932 that you can look at from the inside out. Cool, right? I know.

The North End is where the Little Italy of Boston is. It has Paul Revere's house, the Old North Church and (duh) a bunch of Italian restaurants, including the well-known Mike's Pastry and Modern Pastry bakeries. We'll probably have lunch in that part of town tomorrow.

I'm-a gunna sign-a off-a becauze it's a-late. *Say with an Italian accent and generous hand movements* Ciao!

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